Set up email forwarding

Email forwarding lets you create a rule that redirects messages sent to one address on your Hushmail domain to an email address of your choosing. The source address doesn't have to exist, allowing you to receive email from multiple addresses into one account. You can forward emails to any address you choose.

For example, you can set up a rule so that email sent to gets forwarded on to In this scenario, doesn't need to exist as a user on your account.

Note: You can only set up email forwarding rules if your Hushmail account uses your website name or a custom domain (like or

How to access email forwarding

  1. Sign in to your Hushmail administrator account.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the menu and select Preferences.
  3. Open the Domain tab.
  4. Click on Manage your domain to access Hushtools.

Note: Click on this link to go directly to the Domain tab in Preferences.

How to create a forwarding rule

  1. In the left-hand menu, click Domains.
  2. Select Email Forwarding.
  3. Click New Forwarded Address to open the setup window.
  4. Enter the email address you want to forward from (the source address) and the email address you want to forward to (the destination address).
  5. Click OK to save the forwarding rule.

Tip: If you need to forward many addresses to the same destination, consider setting up a catch-all address. This will forward all emails sent to unassigned addresses on your domain to one specific account.

Note: Some things to keep in mind about forwarding:

  • If the source address exists on your account, then setting up a forwarding rule will not leave a copy of the message in the source address, the message will only go to the destination address.
  • If the source address exists on your account, and the message being forwarded is encrypted, the destination address will not be able to decrypt the message. Therefore, it is recommended to not forward mail for existing addresses unless the mail will not be encrypted.
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