Use conditional visibility in your web form

Level: Intermediate



Explain how you can use conditional visibility to enhance your web forms, giving your clients a more personalized experience when they fill out your forms. 


What is conditional visibility?

Conditional visibility determines whether or not a field will be visible on your form. Conditions can be set for any of the different fields you might use, including signature fields and formatted text blocks. Fields are automatically visible unless you set a condition.


When to use conditional visibility

Conditional visibility is helpful when a question on your form doesn’t pertain to all of the respondents or when a field requires further information, depending on how it’s filled out. Here are some examples when you might want to use conditional visibility:

  • When “other” is checked on a list of symptoms, a text field appears so the respondent can include the other symptom(s)
  • When a respondent replies “yes” to a question about depression, a link to the PHQ-9 depression screening appears
  • When a respondent expresses interest in telehealth sessions, a link to your telehealth consent form appears
  • Age-related screening information appears according to a respondent’s date of birth


How to use conditional visibility 

1. Drag a field onto your form.

In the field’s settings, click on Show advanced options. (If you’re setting a condition for a Formatted text field then click on the gear icon.) At the bottom of the field setting window, you’ll see The field is always visible and Add a condition.

2.  Click Add a condition.


3. Select the field from the drop-down menu that you want to provide the condition.

This field must come before the field you’re setting the condition for, and if there is only one field on your form, you won’t be able to set a condition. 


4. In the next drop-down menu, add the condition you want to meet.


5. You can enable the Required switch for any of your fields, with or without conditions.

However, required fields are only required if the field is visible. 


Next steps: 

If you would like more information about conditional visibility, including examples of when conditional visibility might be useful, read our blog post Using field conditions in your web form.

If you need extra help with conditional visibility, Customer Care is always happy to assist.



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