Working with your contact list

Managing your contacts in Hushmail is easy and helps you stay organized when sending messages. Whether you're adding individual contacts or creating a group for sending messages to several people at once, your contact list keeps everything in one place. Here's how to work with your contact list in Hushmail.

How to Access Your Contact List

To find your contact list:

  1. Sign into your Hushmail account.
  2. Click the menu button in the top-right corner.
  3. Select Contacts.

Your contact list will then appear, showing two sections:

  • Starred contacts: These are people you've manually added or imported using the Import contacts tool.
  • Other contacts: This section contains email addresses you've previously emailed or replied to.

Note: The addresses in your Other contacts list act like an allow list. This means Hushmail is more likely to deliver emails from these addresses to your inbox, instead of marking them as junk.

Adding a New Contact to Your Starred List

To add someone to your Starred contacts list:

  1. On the Contacts page, click New contact.
  2. Fill in the contact details.
  3. Click Save.

Watch: Adding an address to your contact list

Creating a Group Contact

A group contact allows you to send an email to multiple people with just one click. When you create a group contact, selecting that group in the Compose window will send your message to everyone in the group.

Watch: Creating a group contact

To create a group contact:

  1. On the Contacts page, click New contact.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for your group.
  3. In the Email field, type or paste the email addresses of the people you want to include. Separate each address with a comma (e.g.,,,
    • Note: The last email address cannot end with a comma.
  4. Click Save.

Now, when you compose a new email, you can select this group from your contact list, and your message will go to all the addresses you added to the group.

By using your contact list effectively, you can streamline your communication and ensure that your important messages are sent to the right people.

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